In this article we will discuss about the structure of Squid (Loligo) with the help of a diagram.
1. It is a marine mollusc commonly called squid.
2. Body is long, slender, pigmented and tapering behind.
3. A fin is present along its postero-lateral edges.
4. The shell is internal, feather-like and membranous.
5. The body is divisible into head, collar (neck) and trunk.
6. Head bears a pair of large bulging eyes 4 pairs of thick and small arms and a pair of long, slender and clubbed tentacles.
7. Each arm is convex on outer side and flattened on inner side and bears 4 rows of cup-like suckers.
8. The clubbed end of tentacles also bears cup-like suckers.
9. The tentacles, arms and a funnel are the modifications of foot.
10. The mantle collar projects as tubular funnel.
11. Nephridia (kidneys) and gills (ctenidia) are paired.
12. An ink sac is present at the base of funnel which serves as organ of defence.
13. The animal is capable of changing colour and is used as food and bait.