In this article we will discuss about the L.S. ospharisium and ctenidium of pila with the help of suitable diagrams.
L.S. Ospharisium of Pila:
1. It is the L.S. of Ospharidium of Pila.
2. It is the chemoreceptor organ of the animal, which helps in testing the purity of incoming water currents in mantle cavity.
3. It is elongated, oval and bipectinate structure, and its each pecten or lamella is comprised of 20-30 centrally directed leaflets.
4. It hangs from the root of mantle cavity on left side.
Ctenidium of Pila:
1. It is the slide of W.m. of ctenidium (gill) of Pila.
2. It is a somewhat conical, monopectinate structure and is used for aquatic respiration.
3. It is comprised of a series of triangular lamellae which lie one above the other at right angle to ctenidial axis.
4. Each lamella has a broad base and a narrow apex, a smaller right or afferent side and a larger left or efferent side.
5. The anterior and posterior faces of each lamella bears numerous highly vascular transversely arranged ridges or pleats.
6. The gill hangs in the mantle cavity on the extreme right side.