The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between mullerian duct and wolffian duct.
Difference # Mullerian Duct:
1. The pronephric duct acts as a female genital duct and is known as Mullerian duct or oviduct.
2. It is found in all female vertebrates (except cyclostomes). In the males, it degenerates.
3. In the female elasmobranchs both Mulleirian and wolffian ducts are present.
Difference # Wolffian Duct:
1. The mesonephric duct is known as the wolffian duct.
2. The wolffian duct persists to act as the male genital duct while it atrophies in the females.
3. In male anamniotes (fishes and amphibians) the wolffian duct acts as urogenital duct.