The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference among the three groups of mammals.
Difference # Prototheria:
1. Prototheria is oviparous.
2. Pinna is absent in prototheria.z
3. Prototheria has no nipples (mammae).
4. No marsupial pouch is present in prototheria.
5. in Prototheria, digestive and urinogenital tracts open into a cloaca. Cloaca opens outside through cloaca aperture.
6. Corpus callosum is small or absent in prototheria.
7. Prototheria has no scrotum.
8. Absence of placenta in prototheria.
Difference # Metatheria:
1. Metatheria is viviparous.
2. Pinna is present in metatheria.
3. Nipples are abdominal in metatheria.
4. Marsupial pouch often present in metatheria.
5. In metatheria, Anus and urinogenital aperture open into a shallow cloaca surrounded by a common sphincter.
6. Corpus callosum is small or absent in metatheria.
7. In matheria, srotum is present in front of penis.
8. Placenta is less developed in metatheria.
Difference # Eutheria:
1. Eutheria is viviparous.
2. Pinna usually present in eutheria.
3. Nipples are abdominal or thoracic in eutheria.
4. Absent of marsupial pouch in eutheria.
5. In eutheria, digestive and urinogenital tracts open out by separate apertures.
6. Corpus callosum is large and well developed in eutheria.
7. It connects two cerebral hemispheres of the brain internally.
8. In Eutheria, scrotum is present in behind penis and placenta is well developed.