Let us learn about the comparison between Asiatic Elephant and African Elephant.
Comparison # Asiatic Elephant:
1. Height:
Comparatively smaller. On average the male reaches 9 feet (276 cm) and 7 feet (210 cm) for the cows. Rarely exceed 10 feet 6 inches (320 cm).
2. Head:
Domed forehead and a ridge over it.
3. Ear:
Smaller external ears, measuring about 60 cm across.
4. Back:
Sloping back.
5. Tusk:
Comparatively smaller tusks (upper incisors). The males have large tusks. In females, scarcely seen few inches. The maximum length recorded are 249 cm and an average varies 152 cm to 182 cm.
6. Lip:
Only one lip at the end of the trunk.
7. Toe on the limbs:
Hoof-like four nails on each hind- limb
8. Molars:
Molars have lozenge-shaped enamel folds
9. Distribution:
India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, South China, Malay, Borneo and Sumatra.
Elephas maximus.
Comparison # African Elephant:
1. Height:
Comparatively larger. An average height of the male reaches 10 feet 6 inches (320 cm) to the shoulders and female 9 feet 2 inches (280 cm). These heights may rarely be exceeded.
2. Head:
Arched or sloping forehead.
3. Ear:
Enormous external ears, measuring about 183 cm across.
4. Back:
Arched back and a distinct ridge near the end of the spine.
5. Tusk:
Comparatively larger tusks. Both the sexes have tusks but the bulls have heavier and harder than the cows. The longest recorded tusk is 336 cm but the average length varies from 152 cm to 244 cm.
6. Lip:
Two equal-sized triangular lips at the tip of the trunk
7. Toe on the limbs:
Hoof-like three nails on each hind- limb.
8. Molars:
Molars have parallel enamel folds.
9. Distribution:
Tropical Africa (in most parts of Africa, South of the Sahara).
Loxodonta African.