Poisoning from plants is a common fear but an extremely rare event. It is true that a few plant species in certain localities can produce serious toxicity like dander (Nerium oleander), foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), jequirity pea (Abrus precatorius), castor bean (Ricinus communis), water hemlock (Cicuta maculata), Jerusalem cherry (Solanaum pseudocapsicum), free tobacco (Nicotina glauca), jimsonweed […]
Tag Archives | Toxicology
Examples of Venomous Animals
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A remarkable number of marine organisms, venomous animals produce venom in a specialized gland. Venom is a mixture of mainly protein and peptide toxins. In contrast, poisonous animals may have special glands that produce toxins but more often accumulate toxic compounds from the environment in their bodies. These substances are known as poisons and have […]
Behavioural Tests: Criteria and Procedures | Toxicological Testing | Toxicology
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The behavioural tests have been used frequently in pharmacological evaluations of drugs for several years. These tests have only recently been recognized as an essential part of toxicity screening because of belief that behavioural responses of animals have been selected as a measure of toxicity of xenobiotics because of the following reasons: (i) The behaviour […]