In this article we will discuss about the syndromes of abnormalities that occurs in humans. 1. Autosomal Trisomy: a. Down’s Syndrome (DS) or Trisomy-21: Down’s syndrome is named after the physician J. Langdon Down who first described this genetic defect in 1866 and it was formerly called mongolism or Mongolian idiocy. It is usually associated […]
Syndromes of Abnormalities | Human Genetics
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Syndromes of Coronary Heart Disease | Nutritional Diseases
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The following points highlight the three major syndromes of coronary heart disease. The syndromes are: 1. Myocardial Infarction 2. Angina Pectoris (Pain in the Chest) 3. Sudden Death. Coronary Heart Disease: Syndrome # 1. Myocardial Infarction: a. This is necrosis or destruction of part of the heart muscle due to failure of the blood supply […]