Apart from making films of the test material, autoradiography can directly be measured by various counters like Geiger-Muller counter and Scintillation Counter. While counting the back ground count should also be considered. Counter # 1. Geiger-Muller Counter: It is made of a glass or metal tube containing a mixture of gases, an inert gas like […]
Tag Archives | Radioactivity
Top 6 Methods for Deduction of Radioactivity
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The following points highlight the top 6 methods for deduction of radioactivity. The methods are: 1. Ionization 2. Ionization Chambers 3. Gesger Counters 4. Semi-Conductor Detectors 5. Scintillation 6. Autoradiography. 1. Ionization: The passage of high energy radiation through matter results in the formation of ions as a result of collision of electrons with atoms. […]