In this article we will discuss about the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on their hosts. Similar to rhizosphere, mycorrhizosphere (the close vicinity of ectomycorrhizae) shows increased microbial community leading to mycorhizosphere effect. The photosynthates flow into soil through roots and mycorrhizae support a diverse community of soil microorganisms, many of which influence plant growth. The […]
Tag Archives | Mycorrhizal Fungi
Works on Mycorrhizal Fungi in India | Microbiology
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In this article we will discuss about the work on mycorrhizal fungi in India. Though the study of mycorrhizal fungi has been a neglected field, yet in India works on mycorrhizal fungi was started by B.K. Bakshi at Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. His project report Mycorrhiza and its role in forestry (1974) published by […]