The following points highlight the three ways for accomplishment of plasmogamy in lower fungi. The ways are: 1. Planogametic Copulation 2. Gametangial Contact 3. Gametangial Copulation. Way # 1. Planogametic Copulation: It is characteristic of the primitive planogametic lower fungi (Chytridiomycetes and Plasmodiophoromycetes). In this kind of gametic union, one or both the gametes of […]
Accomplisment of Plasmogamy in Lower Fungi | Botany
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General Features of Lower Fungi
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In this article we will discuss about the general features of lower fungi. The lower fungi comprise the simplest and the primitive group of true fungi represented by about 1,500 species. The majority of these are aquatic (Saprolegnia), some are amphibious (Phytophthora) and some terrestrial (Rhizopus). They live either as strict parasites or saprophytes. Strictly […]