In this article we will discuss about the life history of bacillus subtilis. It is popularly known as Hay bacillus. It is a common example of a rod-shaped bacterium. A rich culture of the bacterium can easily be prepared in the laboratory. Take hay and chop it into small pieces. Put the chopped bits in […]
Life History of Bacillus Subtilis | Bacteria
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Life History of Musca Nebulo (With Diagram)
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The following points highlight the five stages involved in the life history of Musca Nebulo. The stages are: 1. Copulation 2. Egg-Laying 3. Egg 4. Larva 5. Pupa. Stage # 1. Copulation: The copulation takes place on earth, not in air. In breeding season which in India is from March to October in the greater […]