After reading this article you will learn about the section of different invertebrates. 1. Scypha (= Sycon) sp. (Sponge): A. Longitudinal section: (Fig. 38.1) 1. Presence of ostia, incurrent canals, prosopyles, radial canals, apopyles, ex-current canals, gastric oscula in the wall; spongocoel at the centre, and osculum at the tip. 2. Body wall made up […]
Sections of Different Invertebrates | Zoology
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21 General Characteristics of Invertebrates
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The following points highlight the twenty-one general characteristics of invertebrates. Some of the characteristics are: 1. Habitat 2. Numerical Strength 3. Shape 4. Size 5. Symmetry 6. Grades of Organization 7. The Presence or Absence of Germ Layers 8. Simple Integument 9. Multiple Movement Device 10. The Presence or Absence of Segmentation and Others. Characteristic […]