In this article we will discuss about the classification of higher fungi. The somatic phase consists mostly of a mycelium which is usually septate. The septa have each a central pore and thus are incomplete. No motile cells are produced in the life cycle. The higher fungi comprise the following three classes: 1. Class Ascomycetes: […]
Tag Archives | Higher Fungi
Top 11 Features of Basidiomycetes| Club Fungi
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The following points highlight the top eleven features of basidiomycetes. 1. The somatic phase consists of a well-developed, septate, filamentous mycelium which passes chiefly through two stages. (a) Primary mycelium: It is formed by the germination of a basidiospore and contains a single haploid (n) nucleus in each cell. It bears neither sex organs nor […]
Economic Importance of Basidiomycetes | Club Fungi
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In this article we will discuss about the economic importance of basidiomycetes. Many of the Basidiomycetes are of great economic importance because of their beneficial as well as harmful nature. Some of them are the causative agents of most destructive diseases of our cereal crops. To this category belong the smut diseases of com, wheat, […]