The following points highlight the top four types of heterotrophic plants. The types are: 1. Parasites 2. Saprophytes 3. Symbionts 4. Insectivorous Plants. Heterotrophic Plants: Type # 1. Parasites: The total parasites, like dodder (Cuscuta) and broomrape (Orobanche) are never green and cannot synthesize their own food. In such cases, they develop haustoria or sucking […]
Top 4 Types of Heterotrophic Plants | Botany
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List of 9 Heterotrophic Plants | Botany
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List of nine heterotrophic plants:- 1. Parasites 2. Saprophytes 3. Symbionts 4. Insectivorous or Carnivorous Plants 5. Nepenthes or Pitcher Plant 6. Drosera or Sundew 7. Utricularia or Bladderwort 8. Dionaea or Venus’s Fly-Trap 9. Aldrovanda. Heterotrophic Plant # 1. Parasites: Plants, which grow on other living organisms and draw nourishment therefrom, are called parasites, […]