The following points highlight the three successive stages of oogenesis. The stages are: 1. Multiplication phase 2. Growth phase 3. Maturation phase. Oogenesis: Stage # 1. Multiplication Phase: The primordial germinal cells divide repeatedly to form the oogonia (Gr., oon = egg). The oogonia multiply by the mitotic divisions and form the primary oocytes which […]
3 Successive Stages of Oogenesis | Female Gonads
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Structure of Mature Egg of Birds (With Diagram)
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The following points highlight the four main parts of mature egg of birds. The parts are: 1. Plasma Membrane 2. Primary Egg Membranes 3. Secondary Egg Membranes 4. Ooplasm. Mature Egg: Part # 1. Plasma Membrane: The mature egg is covered by a plasma membrane which is the unit membrane. It is composed of an […]