The following points highlight the two main forms of respiration among arthropods. The forms are: 1. Aquatic Respiration 2. Aerial Respiration. 1. Aquatic Respiration: The organs associated with aquatic respiration are: 1. Gills or Branchiae 2. Tracheal gills 3. Blood gills 4. Rectal gills 5. Book gills 6. Branchiostegite or gill cover 7. Epipodite and […]
Forms of Respiration among Arthropods
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Larva Found in Phylum Echinodermata
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Larva Found in Phylum Echinodermata! 1. Dipleurula Larva: 1. The dipleurula form (Fig. 21.39A) is reached during development and is characterised by its bilaterally symmetrical, egg-shaped body. 2. The ventral concave side bears the mouth and is encircled by a circumoral ciliated band. 3. The anus is disposed ventrally. 4. The digestive canal is differentiated […]