The following points highlight the top ten methods for food preservation. The methods are: 1. Pasteurization and Appertization 2. Aseptic Packaging 3. Irradiation 4. High-Pressure Processing – Pascalization 5. Low-Temperature Storage – Chilling and Freezing 6. Chemical Preservatives 7. ‘Natural’ Food Preservatives 8. Modification of Atmosphere 9. Control of Water Activity 10. Compartmentalization. Method # […]
Tag Archives | Food Microbiology
3 Main Types of Plant Products | Microbiology
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The following points highlight the three main types of plant products that are derived from plants to fulfil human food requirements. The types are:- 1. Cereals 2. Fruits and Fruit Products 3. Vegetables and Vegetable Products. Plant Product Type # 1. Cereals: The cereals, which all belong to the Gramineae or the grass family, are […]
Growth of Micro-Organisms in Food | Microbiology
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In this article we will discuss about the extrinsic as well as intrinsic factors affecting the growth of micro-organisms in food. Extrinsic Factors: 1. Relative Humidity: Relative humidity and water activity are interrelated, thus relative humidity is essentially a measure of the water activity of the gas phase. When food commodities having a low water […]