In this article we will discuss about Nephridium of Annelida:- 1. Definition of Nephridium 2. Research Work on Excretory System 3. Classification of Nephridia 4. Physiology 5. Functions. Definition of Nephridium: An excretory tubule which opens to the exterior through the nephridiopore and the inner end of the tubule is blind (associated with terminal cells […]
Nephridium : Meaning, Physiology and Function
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Excretory System of Nephridia (Earthworm)
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Excretory System of Nephridia (Earthworm)! These are of three types according to their location in the body: 1. Septal nephridia; 2. Integumentary nephridia 3. Pharyngeal nephridia. 1. Septal Nephridia: These are found situated on the inter-segmental septum between 15th and 16th segments to the posterior side of the body. Each septum bears nephridia on both […]