In this article we will discuss about the morphological and cellular characteristics of algae. Morphological Characteristics of Algae: Algae exhibit a very wide range of morphological diversity. The simplest forms are unicellular, microscopic, motile or non-motile eukaryotic cells. They may be spherical (Protococcus, Chlorella), or pyriform (Chlamydomonas). When motile (Volvox, Chlamydomonas) the cells are generally […]
Tag Archives | Eukaryotic Organisms
Reproduction in Fungi (With Diagram) | Microbiology
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In this article we will discuss about the asexual and sexual modes of reproduction in fungi with the help of diagrams. (i) Asexual Reproduction: Asexual reproduction of fungi may take place by a variety of ways. The unicellular forms may multiply by cell division, fission or budding. Yeasts multiply either by fission as observed in […]
Transposable Elements in the Eukaryotic Organisms | Chromosome
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In this article we will discuss about the transposable elements in the eukaryotic organisms. Transposons have been discovered in eukaryotic organisms also, e.g., controlling elements in maize, Tam1 elements in Antirrhinum majus, Ty elements in Yeast and FB elements in Drosophila. These elements can be divided into two main classes. 1. This class includes the […]