In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Characters of Cucurbitaceae 2. Distribution of Cucurbitaceae 3. Economic Importance 4. Affinities 5. Important Types. Characters of Cucurbitaceae: Prostrate herb bearing tendrils; leaves palmately lobed, surface hispid; flowers pentamerous, unisexual, monoecious or less commonly dioecious; stamens five, usually less, anthers free or connate, ovary inferior, trilocular, parietal […]
Cucurbitaceae: Characters, Distribution and Types
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Biology Notes on Cucurbitaceae | Dicotyledonae
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Cucurbitaceae are climbing or procumbent herbs, annual or perennial, with extra-axillary simple or branched tendrils; monoecious or dioecious; stem usually 5-angled. Leaves are simple, alternate, palmiveined and palmilobed or rarely pinnately veined and lobed; exstipulate. Inflorescence racemose or cytnose or flowers solitary. Flowers are unisexual, regular, pentamerous, epigynous, usually large, yellow or white. Calyx more […]