In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Chemo-taxis 2. Demonstration of Chemo-taxis 3. Chemotactic Behaviour of Bacteria. Meaning of Chemo-Taxis: Chemo-taxis is the movement of bacteria towards chemical attraction and away from chemical repellants. Bacteria are attracted towards the nutrients such as sugars and amino acids, and are repelled by harmful substances […]
Chemo-Taxis: Meaning and Demonstration | Bacteria
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Mechanism of Chemo-Taxis | Microbiology
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In this article we will discuss about the mechanisms of chemo-taxis. The special proteins called chemoreceptors are supposed to be present in the periplasmic space of plasma membrane that detects the attractants and repellents. These proteins bind to chemicals and transmit signals to the other components of chemo sensing system. So far about 20 chemoreceptors […]