After reading this article you will learn about the planting of bulbous plants. In nature, there are certain plants which have modified underground stems in which food material is stored to overcome the unfavourable season. Botanically, plants propagating themselves through modified underground stems are grouped into four group’s viz.: (i) Tubers-Dahlia, (ii) Corms-gladiolus, Freesia, (iii) […]
Planting of Bulbous Plants | Horticulture
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Top 15 Types of Bulbous Plants | Horticulture
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This article throws light upon the top fifteen types of bulbous plants. The types are: 1. Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae) 2. Begonia sp. (Begoniaceae) 3. Canna Indica (Cannaceae) 4. Crinum Bulbispermum Syn. C. Longifolium (Amaryllidaceae) 5. Freesia-Freesia Refrecta (Iridaceae) 6. Cerbera Jamesonii (Compositae) 7. Glorosia Superba (Liliaceae) 8. Haemanthes Multiflorus (Amaryllidaceae) and a few others too. Type […]