The following points highlight the sixteen orders under which bryopsida has been classified. The orders are:- 1. Tetraphidales 2. Buxbaumiales 3. Polytrichales 4. Dawsoniales 5. Archidiales 6. Dicranales 7. Fissidentales 8. Syrrhopodontales 9. Pottiales 10. Grimmiales 11. Encalyptales 12. Funariales 13. Eubryales 14. Isobryales 15. Hookeriales 16. Hypnobryales. Order # 1. Tetraphidales: In the Tetraphidales, […]
Tag Archives | Bryopsida
Classification of Bryopsida | Plants
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In this article we will discuss about the classification of bryopsida. In such a vast group, naturally, there are many variations so that classification is difficult. Structures of both gametophytes and sporophytes have to be considered and in mosses these two phases have attained specialisation in different degrees in the different species. Thus, it is […]
Class Bryopsida: 2 Subclasses | Plants
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In this article we will discuss about the two subclasses of class bryopsida. The subclasses are: 1. Subclass Sphagnidae 2. Subclass Andreaeidae. Subclass # 1. Sphagnidae Genus Sphagnum: Sphagnidae comprise of a single order Sphagnales of a single family Sphagnaceae with a single and very distinct genus Sphagnum. They differ from the other mosses in […]