The following points highlight the three families under which volvocales has been classified. The families are:- 1. Chlamtdomonadaceae 2. Sphaerellaceae 3. Volvocaceae. Family # 1. Chlamtdomonadaceae: This family includes algae possessing unicellular biflagellate vegetative cells. Asexual reproduction is by zoospores and hypnospores and sexual reproduction ranges from—isogamy, anisogamy to simple and advanced oogamy. Genus Chlamydomonas: […]
Tag Archives | Aquatic Eukaryotic Organism
Classification of Ulvales | Algae
In this article we will discuss about the classification of ulvales. Family Ulvaceae: Plants are usually tubular or parenchymatous thalloid, capillary to broad, occasionally reduced to one or two rows of cells; attached or becoming free-floating; one or two cells in thickness. Cells possess one or two large lateral chromatophores with pyrenoids and single nucleus. […]
Classification of Cladophorales | Algae
In this article we will discuss about the classification of cladophorales. Family Cladophoraceae: This family contains many fresh-water forms. Some of the large genera, such as Cladophora, have both fresh-water and marine representatives, but there are several strictly marine genera. The plants are composed of multinucleate cells arranged in uniseriate fashion in simple or branched […]