The following points highlight the top two types of serology for recognition of antigen and antibody. The types are: 1. Agglutination 2. Precipitation. Serology: Type # 1. Agglutination: (a) Widal Test (Fig. 8.1): In the routine laboratory diagnostic Widal reaction, the patient’s serum is tested simultaneously with the antigen of each organism likely to be […]
Serology for Recognition of Antigen & Antibody
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Antigen: History, Composition and Chemical Nature
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In this article we will discuss about Antigens:- 1. History of Antigen 2. Composition of Antigen 3. Chemical Nature 4. General Properties. History of Antigen: The inhabitants of East Africa have succeeded in vaccination against the bite of poisonous snakes from time immemorial, they could immunise artificially against tick borne relapsing fever and could protect […]