In this article we will discuss about the structure of gregarina. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of gregarina.
1. Gregarina are intracellular parasites of intestines of Cockroaches.
2. Body is bipartite in sporont or sporadin and tripartite in trophozoite.
3. Different parts of body are epimerite, protomerite and deutomerite.
4. The epimerite is the part which sucks food from inside the host cells. It is absent in sporont. The deutomerite contains a large nucleus.
5. Trophozoite converts into sporont, which is changed into a cysted gamont. The gamonts or gametes, in favourable condition, fuse and produce spores. Each spore gives rise to 8 sporozoites, which invade the intestinal cells and grow into trophozoites.
6. Nutrition saprozoic and locomotion through contraction of myonemes which are longitudinal.