The below mentioned article provides an overview on Family–Cruciferae . After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Explanation on Family – Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) 2. Economic Importance of Family – Cruciferae (Brassicaceae).
Explanation on Family – Cruciferae (Brassicaceae):
There are about 350 genera and 2500 species in the family.
The members of this family are cosmopolitan in their distribution but majority of them are common in north temperate regions. Some species are sub-arctic. A large number of important vegetable crops as well as many garden and wild flowers are included in this family.
The family is represented by several important species in our country, such as Brassica campestris, Brassica nigra, Raphanus sativus, Iberis amara, Senebiera didyma and several others. Usually the plants grow in winter season in our country.
Mostly the plants are annual, bienninal or perennial herbs. Sometimes they are small shrubs. Majority of the species, of Brassica are annual, biennial or sometimes perennial herbs. The species of Raphanus may be annual or biennial herbs.
However, majority of the plants are annuals of a life cycle of only a few weeks. Usually the biennials, e.g., Turnip (Shalgam) develop swollen tap roots which store enough of nourishment. Farsetia is a small branched undershrub.
Usually tap and branched. The tap root modifications-fusiform root, e.g., Raphanus sativus, napiform root, e.g., Brassica rapa, are also found. Such roots become swollen and store nourishment in them.
Usually tap stem is herbaceous. However, in B. oleracea var. caulorapa (knol khol, Ganth-Gobhi). The stem becomes corm like and very much thickened, which is eaten as vegetable. In Raphanus sativus (Radish, Muli), the stem becomes very much condensed.
The leaves are simple, alternate, exstipulate and, possess simple or branched hairs. They are usually radial or cauline, sub-sessile or sessile, lyrate. When radical they are found in rosettes, e.g., Raphanus sativus.
Sometimes the bulbils develop in the axils of the upper leaves which act as vegetative structures for propagation.
The inflorescence is generally of racemose type and very often may be a raceme, a corymb or corymboraceme. Bracts and bracteoles are absent. They may be present only in rare cases.
Mostly the flowers are ebracteate, pedicellate, regular (actinomorphic), hermaphrodite, complete, cruciform and hypogynous.
The calyx is polysepalous and consists of four sepals. The sepals are arranged in two whorls of two each. The lateral inner sepals are sometimes pouched at the base, which serve as nectar containers. The aestivation is imbricate.
The corolla is polypetalous and cruciform. It consists of four petals. The petals are found in one whorl. They are alternate to the sepals. Each petal is usually differentiated into a narrow claw and a broad expanded limb. In Iberis amara (candytuft) the flowers become zygomorphic by the enlargement of the two outer petals. In Senebiera sp., the petals are represented by four minute lobes.
Usually the androecium consists of six stamens arranged in two whorls. The outer two stamens are short whereas the inner four are long. This condition of the stamens is known as tetradynamous condition and considered to be characteristic of the family.
Nectaries are developed as small green glands at the base of the two short stamens. In Senebiera, there are only two stamens; the anthers are bilobed; basifixed and introrse.
It consists of two carpels (bicarpellary), syncarpous. The ovary is superior, unilocular but becomes bilocular because of the development of the false septum or replum from the ingrowths of the parietal placentas. The placentation is parietal. Many anatropous or campylotropous ovules develop from the parietal placentas. The style is short with two lobed stigmas.
The fruit is either siliqua or silicula. Sometimes the fruit is lomentum (lomentaceous siliqua) as in Raphanus sativus.
The pollination is usually entomophilous, i.e., through the agency of insects. The honey secreting nectaries found at the base of short stamens and anterior sepals are the main centres of the attraction of the insects. The flowers arranged in corymbs also attract the insects and cross pollination is effected. In such cases several flowers are pollinated by one insect at one time.
Description of some important plants in semi-technical language:
1. Brassica campestris Linn.; Verna. Sarson; Eng. Yellow mustard:
Brassica campestris Linn., very largely grown during the cold season, especially in Uttar Pradesh. The oil (Karwa tel) is yielded from its seeds.
Annual herb, cultivated.
Tap, branched.
Erect, herbaceous, cylindrical, slightly hairy, branched, smooth and green.
Cauline and ramal, simple, alternate, sessile, glabrous, upper leaves entire, lower leaves lyrate, exstipulate, unicostate reticulate venation.
Racemose, typical raceme.
Pedicellate, ebracteate, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, yellow, hypogynous, complete, tetramerous, cyclic.
Four sepals, polysepalous, arranged in two whorls of two each, the sepals of inner whorl are longer, imbricate aestivation.
Four petals, polypetalous, each petal consists of a limb and claw, cruciform, alternating the sepals, imbricate or valvate.
Six stamens, polyandrous arranged in two whorls, the two stamens of outer whorl are smaller than the four stamens of inner whorl (i.e., tetradynamous condition), anthers bicelled, basifixed, introrse.
The carpels (bicarpellary), syncarpous, ovary superior, unilocular but becomes bilocular because of the development of false septum (replum), parietal placentation, style short and stigma bilobed.
Economic value:
The tender leaves and shoots are used as vegetable. Ground mustard seeds are used as a condiment. The seeds yield a fatty oil, which is generally used for cooking purposes.
2. Senebiera didyma Pers:
Senebiera didyma Pers. (Lesser Wart-cress). An established weed of cultivation during the cold season. Distribution-plains of N.India.
Annual herb, wild, weed.
Tap, branched.
Prostrate, aerial, weak, trailing, cylindrical, branched, branches arranged in rosettes, green, glabrous, herbaceous, solid.
Radical, cauline and ramal, compound, exstipulate, unipinnate and imparipinnate, pinnae with cut margins, petiolate, petiole base hairy, alternate, leaf surface glabrous, reticulate venation.
Racemose, leaf opposed typical raceme.
Minute, greenish, pedicellate, ebracteate, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, hypogynous, complete, tetramerous, cyclic.
Four sepals, polysepalous, arranged in two whorls of two each, sepals spreading, short, and larger than petals, inferior, valvate aestivation.
Very much reduced (rudimentary), represented by four minute whitish scaly structures alternating the sepals, valvate.
Two stamens, polyandrous, median, anterior-posterior, anthers basifixed, filaments long tapering at apex and broad at base, dithecous, introrse.
Two carpels (bicarpellary), syncarpous, ovary superior, unilocular but becomes bilocular due to formation of replum, parietal placentation, one ovule on each locule, style reduced, stigma discoid.
Compressed silicula.
3. Iberis amara Linn.; Eng. Candytuft:
Annual ornamental herb, cultivated.
Herbaceous, erect, aerial, branched, green, solid, rough surface.
Cauline and ramal, alternate, sometimes opposite, sessile, exstipulate, simple, margin somewhat dissected, acute, glabrous, unicostate reticulate.
Racemose, corymb.
Ebracteate, pedicellate, complete, irregular (zygomorphic), hermaphrodite, tetramerous, hypogynous, white, cyclic.
4, polysepalous, in two whorls of 2 each, imbricate, petaloid, boat shaped.
4, polypetalous, valvate, 2 anterior petals large, 2 posterior petals small, each petal consists of a claw and limb, cruciform.
6, free stamens (polyandrous), tetradynamous -2 outer lateral short, remaining 4 antero-posterior long, dithecous, dorsifixed, introrse.
Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, unilocular when young, at maturity becomes bilocular because of the development of talse septum, parietal placentation, style long, stigma globular.
Economic value:
A common ornamental herb. The plants are used in rheumatism and gouts. Seeds are used in asthma and bronchitis.
Economic Importance of Family – Cruciferae (Brassicaceae):
The family is fairly important from the economic point of view. Most of the plants contain sulphur compounds.
The seeds of many plants yield vegetable oil of multipurpose use:
1. Brassica campestris var. dichotoma (Verna.-Kali Sarson) cultivated as an oil yielding crop, mostly in the Punjab.
2. Brassica campestris var. sarson; (Verna.-Sarson)-An oil-seed crop grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh, the Punjab, Bihar and Assam. The oil is used for cooking and burning purposes, and the oil cake as a cattle feed. The tender leaves and shoots are used as vegetable.
3. Brassica campestris var. toria (Verna.-Toria)-An oil-yielding crop grown in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and the Punjab. The oil is edible and the oil-cake is used as cattle and manure.
4. Brassica hirta; Syn. B. alba (Eng.-White Mustard; Verna.-Safed Rai)-The young leaves and tender shoots are used as vegetable. The seeds yield fatty oil.
5. Brassica juncea (Verna.-Rai)-The seed oil is used for cooking purposes. Cultivated in the Punjab, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.
6. Brassica juncea var. cuneifolia; Syn. B. rugosa var. cuneifolia (Verna.-Rai)-Commonly grown in the terai areas of Nainital, North Bengal and Assam. The young leaver and tender shoots are used as vegetable.
7. Brassica napus (Eng.-Rape; Verna.-Toriya, Kali sarson)-The seeds are used as vegetable. Cultivated in the Punjab, Bengal and Bihar.
8. Brassica nigra (Eng.-Black mustard; Verna.-Kali Rai)-The seeds are used as spice and condiment. Cultivated in the Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
9. Brassica oleracea var. acephala (Eng.-Kale; Verna.-Karam-Sag)-The young shoots and leaves are eaten as vegetable. Cultivated in Assam, Kashmir and Maharashtra.
10. Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (Eng.-Cauliflower; Verna.-Phulgobhi)-Grown all over Northern India for its edible inflorescence.
11. Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Eng.-Cabbage; Verna.-Bandgobhi)-A common vegetable of Northern India.
12. Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera (Eng.-Brussels sprouts; Verna.-Buttamgobhi)- Grown mainly in Maharashtra. The young shoots, buds and leaves are edible.
13. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes; (Eng.-knol-khol: Verna.-Ganthgobhi)-The short swollen stem is edible. Grown in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab.
14. Brassica pekinensis (Eng.-Chinese cabbage)-Grown in Northern India. The leaves are used as vegetable.
15. Capsella bursa-pastoris; (Eng.-Shepherd’s purse)-A common weed. Found throughout temperate India particularly in Northern Western Himalayas. The plant is of medicinal value.
16. Cheiranthus cheiri; (Eng.-Wall flower; Verna.-Todrisurkh)-A herb, native of South Europe. Grown as an ornamental. The seeds are useful in dry bronchitis, fevers and injuries to the eyes. The flowers are used in paralysis and impotency.
17. Eruca sativa (Verna.-Tara)-A herb, native of South Europe but grown mainly in Northern India. The oil, obtained from the seeds, is used for burning purposes and the and is used as fodder.
18. Iberis amara (Eng.-Rocket candytuft)-A common ornamental herb. The plants are used medicinally in rheumatism and gouts. Seeds are used medicinally in asthma and bronchites.
19. Mathiola incana (Eng.-Stock; Verna.-Todri safed)-A herb, native of Europe. Grown as an ornamental. The seeds are used for extraction of an oil, which yields methyl. The seeds mixed with wine are given as an antidote to poisonous bites. They are also used as tonic in stomach complaints.
20. Lepidium sativum; (Eng.-Garden cress; Verna.-Halim)-A common cultivated herb. The young as well as the ripened seeds are used as vegetable and pulse. The leaves and tender shoots are largely eaten for liver complaints. The plant is also used in the treatment of asthma, cough and bleeding piles.
21. Nasturtium officinale; Syn. N. fontanum (Eng.-Water-cress; Verna.-Brahmi Sag)-A small herb cultivated in Bengal, Orissa and the Punjab. It is used as a vegetable.
22. Raphanus sativus; (Eng.-Radish; Verna.-Mull)—A herb, cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, the Punjab, Maharashtra, etc. The roots, young leaves and the fruits are used as vegetable.
23. Raphanus sativus var. candatus (Eng.-Rat-tail radish; Verna.-Sengri)-The fruits are used as vegetable. The fruits are also used for making pickle.
Systematic Relationships:
Bentham and Hooker placed the Cruciferae in the order- Parietales. Engler and Diels included the family within the order-Rhoeadales. Hutchinson placed the single family Cruciferae in the order-Cruciales. On the basis of morphology and anatomy of androecium and gynoecium the family is much allied to the Capparidaceae, but Hutchinson does not agree with the statement.