In this article we will discuss about the little leaf of brinjal caused by mycoplasma.
Symptoms of Little Leaf Disease:
The main symptom of the disease is the production of very short leaves by affected plant. The petioles are so much reduced in size that leaves appear sticking to the stem. Such leaves are narrow, soft, smooth and yellowish in colour.
Newly formed leaves are further reduced in size. The internodes are shortened and at the same time large number of axillary buds are stimulated to grow into short branches with small leaves. This gives whole plant a bushy appearance. Usually such plant unable to form flowers. Fruiting is very rare.
Causal Organism:
Mycoplasma like organism (MLO).
Disease Cycle:
The disease is transmitted through by the vector Cestius phycitis. Artificially the disease has been transmitted successfully to tomato, potato and tobacco. Probably during the season of Brinjal crop, the causal agent survives on weed hosts and from there it is transmitted to main crop by its insect vector.
Control Measures of Little Leaf Disease:
Since no effective control measure is found it is better to eradicate the weed host and remove the diseased Brinjal plants. Tetra-cycline has been reported to control the disease.