In this article we will discuss about the structure of trypanosoma. This will also help you to draw the structure and diagram of trypanosoma.
1. It is an endoparasite in the blood, lymphatic system and cerebrospinal fluid of human beings, causing a disease sleeping sickness.
2. The body is flat and somewhat spindle-like.
3. Body surrounded by a strong but thin pellicle.
4. Cytostome, cytopharynx and cytopyge are absent.
5. Near the posterior end from a kinetoplast originates a flagellum which runs along the body length connected with an undulating membrane. Part of this flagellum remains free at the anterior end.
6. The body contains a large central nucleus surrounded by numerous metachromatic granules.
7. It shows pollmoiphism In Its life cycle.
8. Its Intermediate host is Tse tse fly-Glosslna palpalls.
9. Nutrition saprozoic and reproduction through fission.