In this article we will discuss about the plasmodium stages in mosquito with the help of diagram.
1. Plasmodium is an endoparasite in the blood cells of human beings and causes malarial fever.
2. This parasite completes its life cycle in two hosts i.e., schizogony in man and sporogony in mosquito.
3. This slide shows various stages of sporogony.
4. This stage begins when female anopheles sucks blood of a sick person suffering with malaria.
5. The male and female gametocytes pass into the stomach of mosquito with human blood.
6. The slide shows rounded balls of oocytes or ookinetes which are formed by union of gametes.
7. The oocyte develops into sporont stage which contains spores and give rise to sporozoite.
8. One spore gives rise to 8 sporozoites each one of which is capable to infect a healthy man.