The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between humoral immune system and cell mediated immune system.
Differences # Humoral Immune System:
1. The humoral immune system consists of B-cells, which originate in the bone marrow and mature in the bone marrow.
2. B-cells can produce antibodies, but need exposure to foreign antigens to do so.
3. Antibodies are proteins in blood plasma and lymph to fight bacteria and viruses in body fluids. All daughter cells of a B-cell will be able to produce the same antibodies as the mother cell. Antibodies bind to certain parts of an antigen to mark it for destruction by the T-cells.
Differences # Cell Mediated Immune System:
1. The cell-mediated immune system consists of T-cells, which originate in the bone marrow, but migrate to the thymus to mature.
2. T-cells are highly specialized cells in the blood and lymph to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, cancer, etc. within host cells and also react against foreign matter such as organ transplants.
3. There are three kinds of T-cells:
a. Cytotoxic T-cells directly kill invaders.
b. Helper T-cells that help the B-cells and other T- cells to do their jobs,
c. Suppressor T-cells suppress the activities of B and other T-cells so they do not overreact. Allergy injections are supposed to increase the number of suppressor T-cells to make the person less sensitive to allergens.