After reading this article you will learn about the process of selection of ground covers.
Ground covers are the group of plants which form a low canopy of foliage or spreading type in nature and cover the ground very densely so that weeds cannot grow or establish under them. This group of plants is well suited to formal or informal style of gardening.
They beautify the gardens with their colourful foliage and can be trained in various shapes. These are perennial in nature and easy to propagate. By using ground covers, the maintenance cost of garden is reduced drastically and hence, these are getting very popular for low cost landscaping.
Various situations in the gardens like flat or raised grounds, sloppy land, underneath trees, shady situations and along-side roads or paths can be effectively beautified by the selecting ground covers judiciously. On flat ground, rangoli type effects can be created by planting ground covers to create the picturesque effects.
The monotony of larger gardens can be easily broken by these colourful ground covers. Front areas of a house or gardens can be decorated permanently and can be made trouble free area. If more than one ground covers are to be used at one place, uniformity in growth must be ensured.
Selection of Ground Covers:
The choice of ground cover depends on requirement of a particular situation, desired effects and personal choice. The selection can be done from sufficiently low growing perennial herbs to low growing shrubs. The best ground cover is that which grows fast, vigorous and will provide a good cover in very short time. Ground covers are divided in to two groups according to their habit of growth and colour of foliage.
According to habit of growth:
(i) Upright and spreading type:
These grow upright about 15-30 cm and spreading type of growth which cover the larger area in short period e.g. Duranta goldiana, Alternanthera ficoidea, Iresirte lindinii, Cuphea hyssopifolia, Opheophogon japonicus, etc.
(ii) Trailing type:
These type, trail on the ground and cover larger area if not kept under control e.g. Ipomea charteruse, Ipomea tri-colour, Wadelia trilobata, Zebrina pendula, Tradescentia flamiensis, Assyasitasia coromandeliana, etc.
According to colour of foliage:
(i) Green colour foliage:
These plants have green colour foliage e.g. Wadelia trilobata, Alternanthera ficodea, Cuphea hyssopifolia, Opheophogon japonicus, etc.
(ii) Red colour foliage:
These plants have red, crimson or combinations and thus make good contrast with green or other coloured foliage plants e.g. Iresine lindenii, Oxalis, Ipomea tri-colour, Alternanthera versicolour, Tradescantia flamiensis, Zebrina pendula etc.
(iii) Golden colour or other colour:
These plants have golden, yellowish green or greenish yellow or white colour foliage e.g. Duranta goldiana, Ipomea charteruse, Alternanthera uariegata, etc.
Propagation plays an important role as large number of plants is required to cover a larger area and the purchase of such a large number of ground cover can be a costly affair. Luckily, these ground covers are easily propagated either by division or stem cuttings or terminal cuttings.
To facilitate better and profuse rooting, the basal end of cutting should be treated with seradix-1. This treatment results in profuse rooting and better establishment of cuttings. These cuttings are made during either in Feb.-March or July-August. However, under mist propagation or under modified structures, these can be propagated round the year.
Preparation of field and planting of the ground covers:
These ground covers grow very well in wide variety of soil; however, soil should be well fertilized, well drained and neutral in pH . Field should be well prepared by digging or ploughing and by mixing five kg well rotten farm yard manure, 10 g N, P2O5 and K2O per sq. m (40 g calcium ammonium nitrate, 62 g single super phosphate and 16 g of Muriate of potash per sq. m).
After mixing, according to layout plan, root cutting of desired type are planted during rainy season i.e. July-September or February-April in the cool hours of the day. It is desirable that before planting a light watering should be done which helps in better establishment of plants. These plants are planted at about 10-15 cm apart. After planting immediately watering should be done.
Maintenance of ground covers:
For better growth of ground covers timely irrigation, weeding and hoeing is required. It has been observed that ground covers need frequent watering. During rainy season no watering is required unless rainfall fails.
During winter season irrigation at 10-15 days interval is required whereas from Feb. to June irrigation at interval of 4-5 days is to be done. Initially, weeding and hoeing is required but it is not required in later stages when ground covers have grown sufficiently.
Trimming of ground covers:
To maintain the plants in desired shapes, a regular trimming is required with hedge shears. Upright ground covers need trimming more frequently than trailing type. Normally plants are trimmed about 15-20 cm above the ground. But it can be further increased according to the plan. Certain ground covers like Oxalis or Opheopogon japonicus do not require any trimming.
Insects, pests and diseases:
Generally, ground covers are free from the attack of insects, pests and diseases. However, certain ground covers are attacked by particular type of insects. It has been observed that Ipomea charteruse is commonly attacked by leaf boring insects and several short holes are made on the leaves during rainy season which mar the beauty of the plants if it is not controlled. It can be controlled by spraying Rogor 30 EC @ 0.1%.