This article throws light upon the seven main plants for water pond. The plants are: 1. Lotus 2. Water Lily 3. Victoria Regia (Nymphaceae) 4. Pontederiacordata (Pontederiaceae) 5. Calthapalustris (Ranunculacae) 6. Eichchorniagrassipes (Pontederiaceae) 7. Cyperusalternifolius (Cyperaceae).
Type # 1. Lotus
Nelumbonucifera (Nelumbonaceae). It is commonly found in subtropical and tropical part of the world. It is national flower of India and highly sacred to Indians due to its association with Lord Vishnu who has been painted holding pink colour lotus flower in thy hand. It is affected by frost and hence, it flowers during rainy season.
It produces very showy flower on long stalks. Fruit seeds and roots are edible and are consumed. It prefers heavy and highly fertilized soil. It is easily propagated through seeds after scarification and by bulbs. N. lutea produces rose like yellow flowers. Important varieties are Alba grandiflora (white) Alba striata (white with red margins), Charles Thomas (Lavendar Pink), MomoBotan (Dark rose pink petals yellow towards the base).
Type # 2. Water Lily:
Nymphaea spp. (Nymphaecae). It is commonly called as water lily and very popular as a water garden plant. It is hardy and plant produces different colour of flowers like white, blue, yellow, maroon, etc. These are propagated through separation of off shoot in spring and planting in muddy soil rich in humus in spring.
Broadly, there are two types’ i.e. N. pubscens which bloom in cold months whereas N. stellata which is deciduous and bulbs remain dormant in dry ponds for months together without any harm. They come to life during rains and blooms onward. Nymphaeaodorata produces white flowers.
Important varieties are Marliacea Albida—pure white with distinctive yellow stamens, scented; Escarbouncle—red colour with golden stamens; Gonnera-white; Gaziella—cup shaped flower of maroon colour; Vensusta—warm pink with golden stamens. Other hardy varieties are: Charles de Meurville, Chrometallo, Gold Medal, Indian, Lucida, Hollandia and Morning glory. Nymphaeaecaerulea produces beautiful blue flowers.
Type # 3. Victoria Regia (Nymphaceae):
It is very attractive and magnificent water lily. It has very large leaves measuring approximately 1.5 m in diameter so the size of water pond should be sufficiently large and deep (1.20 m). It produces large cream coloured flowers with the base of red colour which are highly scented. Seeds are hard and in large number which are to be chipped or rubbed to facilitate their germination.
Type # 4. Pontederiacordata (Pontederiaceae):
It is very pretty herbaceous, hardy, vigorous and perennial plant. It has glossy green and heart shaped leaves pointing upward. It produces spikes of purple blue flowers during summer and rainy season. It has creeping rhizome which can be cut with a knife and divided.
Type # 5. Calthapalustris (Ranunculacae):
It is commonly called marsh marigold and perennial in nature. Leaves are round in shape and dark green in colour. Flowers are cup shaped, yellow in colour and 5 cm wide. Easily propagated by division of roots and through seeds. Calthapalustris ‘Flore Pleno’ is a double form of the marsh marigold forming splendid yellow colour clusters.
Type # 6. Eichchorniagrassipes (Pontederiaceae):
It is native of South America. It is perennial floating plant with thick floating stem. It produces long purplish green roots hang down 30 cm in water. It is produces light violet flower having yellow markings on upper petals.
Type # 7. Cyperusalternifolius (Cyperaceae):
It is a perennial rhizomatous plant with densely tufted branches. It has green stems each bear a terminal whorl of 10-30 deep green leaf like bracts. It is easily propagated through seed as well as division of rhizomes. Cyperus papyrus: It is commonly called as Egyptian paper rush.
It is a perennial clump bearing, with tall, 3 angle pithy, leafless stems. Umbels at the end of stems are globe like with 100-200 thread like rays. It needs high humidity. It is also easily propagated through division of rhizomes.