After reading this article you will learn about the planning and selection of terrace roof garden.
Due to limited space available for gardening on the ground level in small or medium sized houses or flats, roof is the only place which can be utilized to satisfy the urge of gardening. It can be converted into an interesting garden. For this one has to plan several innovations in the design suiting to the site. Thus planning should be done meticulously and much before the start of construction of the house.
The parapet is mostly kept about 75-90 cm in height which is comparatively low. To soften the harshness of strong wall wooden slats each about 5 cm wide and 150-180 cm long can be set vertically or angles can be fixed at appropriate distance and stretching of iron wire can be done in two-three tiers so that suitable climbers at appropriate places can be planted to add the greenery and colourful flowers.
Very recently green plastic net is available which can also be used in place of wooden slats or wire. Then the making of cemented beds, pots or containers of different sizes are done keeping the choice of plants in mind.
Before constructing the structures for beds or pots, one should be satisfied with the strength of roof and load bearing capacity with the help of structural engineer and architect. Similarly, the arrangement of automatic drip irrigation of individual pots or sprinklers should be included in the planning. This will save the lot of labour required for watering the pots, beds or container separately. The arrangement of draining water from the roof into gullies or outlet should also be planned.
Various ideas can be conceived to create surprises. If, it is possible a water feature can be created. A central bed is also created with a large sized fiber glass boulder with light inside. Now-a-days small to medium sized water falls fitted with light and pump for circulating the water are available and suitable type can be selected and can be kept at appropriate place.
Making of Pots, Beds and Containers:
To avoid the seepage of the water and moisture in the roof, efforts should be taken to collect all the extra water into out let from where it passes easily from the roof. For making lawn, plastic pots of brick size can be used or plastic sheet of 100 micron having 5-7.5 cm thick layer of garden soil and grounded well rotten FYM or light weight compost (3: 1) is used for planting grass. Though it is somewhat difficult to maintain good lawn thus an AstroTurf can be rolled out and trimmed like carpet to get the desired effect.
The cement and concrete pots, beds and containers can be architecturally designed according to the planning and made. Care should be taken that there are sufficient drain holes in them to remove the extra water from these structures. Basal layer of gravel of sufficient thickness should be provided and then garden soil or light weight compost (3: 1) should be filled.
Selection of Plant Material:
This is very ticklish point because out of wide range of plants, suitable types are to be selected according to the choice and design. Ideal plants for roof garden are which do not shed the leaves, architecturally superb or can be trimmed into different shapes.
Plant should be hardy so are able to withstand harsh climate of open conditions like too much sun-shine, temperature variations, windy, dry conditions or excess of watering during rainy season, etc. Such plants are limited in member.
Keeping the requirements of such climatic adversaries, plants like Juniperouschinensis, Juniperousprostrata, Juniperoushorizontalis, Thujaorientalis var. Compacta, Cupresssempervirense, Ficusdeltoidea, Ficus panda, Ficusbenjamina, Beaucarnearecuruata, ‘Durantagoldiana, Acalypleawilkesiana, Artabotyris, odoratissima, Murray a panniculata, Lantana sellowiana, Lantana depressa, Thunbergiaerecta, Pentascarnea etc. can be selected.
Recently dwarf type of shrubs like Hamelia patens, Ervatamiadivaricata, Hibiscus rosasinesis, Neriumindica, Lagestroemiaindica, Dwarf bougainvillea; Cupheahyssopifolia, etc. are available which most ideal plants for roof garden are. Climbers like Jasminumhumile, Clitoriatarneata, Clematis panniculata, Vernoniaelganaefolia, Clerodendronthomsane, Ipomeachearteruse, Ipomea tri-colour, etc. can be used for parapet or trellis or for fall.
Roses can find place in a sunny corner to create colourful effect. Miniature roses should be preferred. Amongst bush roses less vigorous varieties of floribunda can be selected. Some of succulents and cactus can also be selected. These are very good for sunny situation. Plants like Fercarea, Pedilanthus, Senseuieria species, Agave americana goldiana,. Euphorbia splendense, Apteniacordifolia, Sedum, Yucca, etc. can be selected. Similarly for shady situation various kind of foliage plants like Asparagus meyri, Nephrolepsisexaltata, Pileacadieri, Tradescantiabicolour, Exocariabicolour, Coleus, Croton, etc. can be selected.
Maintenance of Plants:
Plants need regular watch for their various operations which are to be done time to time. Plants should be kept in certain limit shape as desired by regular trimming. Regular feeding and watering will keep the plants healthy and of shinning foliage. Timely spraying of insecticides and fungicides should be followed to keep the plants free from attack of insect, pests and diseases.
Sitting Arrangement and Swing:
To enjoy the beauty of terrace garden under open conditions a suitable arrangement for sitting should be planned in groups. The furniture may be of stone, steel, or wrought iron which can be left in open conditions whereas the wooden furniture or of cane or plastic has to be kept in the shade in the day and in the evening or night it can be brought back as planned. Steel swing can also be fixed at appropriate place, and thus landscape of terrace garden, sun, moon, clouds, and stars can be enjoyed in motion.