In this article we will discuss about the features of homobasidiomycetidae.
1. Form large conspicuous fructifications called basidiocarps.
2. The septal pore is a complex dolipore septum with parenthesomes.
3. The basidium develops directly from a terminal cell of a dikaryotic hypha.
4. It is simple, unseptate, typically club-shaped or cylindrical.
5. With a few exceptions the basidium shows no morphological differentiation into probasidium Basidiocarps and Epibasidium.
6. Commonly the basidia are arranged in a regular fertile layer, the hymenium which extends over the surface of the basidiocarp.
7. The hymenium in some is exposed from the very beginning or becomes exposed at or before maturity. The former are called gymnocarpic and the latter angiocarpic.
8. Both karyogamy and meiosis take place in the basidium itself at different stages of its development.
9. The basidium bears generally four, sometimes one, two or even eight basidiospores.
10. Basidiospores are borne singly at the tips of small, delicate stalks called sterigmata which arise directly from the basidium.
Asexual reproduction plays a minor role in the life cycle. It takes place by means of oidia, arthrospores and rarely by conidia.