The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between sexual cycle and parasexual cycle.
Difference # Sexual Cycle:
1. Nuclear fusion takes place in specialised structures.
2. Zygotes usually persist one nuclear-generation.
3. Recombination by meiosis; crossing over in all chromosome pairs, of reduction of chromosome number, and random assortment of members of each chromosome pair are characteristics of this cycle.
4. Products of meiosis can easily be recognised and isolated.
Difference # Parasexual Cycle:
1. Nuclear fusion takes place rarely in vegetative cells.
2. Zygote persists through many mitosis.
3. Recombination by rare accidents of mitosis;mitotic crossing over at each event usually confined to one exchange in a single chromosome arm and haploidisation independent of crossing over are characteristics of this cycle.
4. Products can be recognised only by application of suitable genetic markers.