This article will help you to differentiate between hormones and enzymes.
Difference # Hormones:
1. Hormones are the internal secretions of endocrine glands.
2. All the hormones are not protein. Some of them are steroids, amines and fatty acids.
3. The hormones are poured in the circulating blood and transported to different places of body through blood.
4. Hormones are destroyed after their functions.
5. Hormones can act at a very low concentration.
6. Dome Hormones stimulates secretions of enzymes.
7. Hormones can act both slowly and quickly.
Difference # Enzymes:
1. Enzymes are the secretory products of endocrine glands.
2. All the Enzymes are protein.
3. The Enzymes are carried by a duct and used locally within the cell or organ into which they are secreted. They are not circulated in blood.
4. Enzymes can be used again and again.
5. Enzymes can act at relatively high concentration.
6. Enzymes does not cause secretions of hormones.
7. Hormones can always act slowly.