The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Vessels and Tracheid.
Difference # Vessels:
1. A vessel is made of a number of cells.
2. The ends are rounded or transverse.
3. A vessel is several centimetres in length.
4. The septa between adjacent cells get dissolved to produce a vessel.
5. They are comparatively wider.
6. The wall is less thickened.
7. The lumen is wide.
8. They occur in angiosperms and as occasional evolution in other vascular groups.
Difference # Tracheid:
1. A tracheid is formed from a single cell.
2. The ends are generally oblique and tapering.
3. A tracheid is only a fraction of a centimeter in length.
4. The end walls or septa remain intact dissolved to produce a vessel.
5. Tracheids are comparatively narrower.
6. The wall is more thickened.
7. The lumen is comparatively narrower.
8. Tracheids occur in all vascular groups.