The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Frog and Toad.
Difference # Frog:
1. Frog mostly lives in water but comes to land for feeding.
2. Frog is diurnal.
3. Frog lays egg in a mass.
4. Head is triangular.
5. Body is Oliver-brown with dark spots.
6. Skin is moist and smooth. It has numerous mucous glands and fewer poisonous glands.
7. Frog does not have parotid glands.
8. Toes of frog have well developed webs.
Difference # Toad:
1. Toad lives on land and comes to water for breeding.
2. Toad is nocturnal.
3. Toad lays eggs in a line.
4. Head is semicircular.
5. Body is brownish grey.
7. Skin is dry and rough. It has numerous poisonous glands and fewer mucous glands.
8. Toad has a pair of parotid glands.
9. Webs are not developed.