The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Floating Respiration and Protoplasmic Respiration.
Difference # Floating Respiration:
1. It is a common mode of respiration.
2. The substrate is carbohydrate or fat.
3. The substrate is a storage material which is hydrolysed for respiration.
4. It goes on indefinitely throughout the life of the cells.
5. Toxic products are not formed.
6. It keeps the cells healthy.
Difference # Protoplasmic Respiration:
1. It is a rare mode of respiration.
2. The substrate is protein.
3. The substrate is storage material only in some seeds. In others it is part of the protoplasm.
4. It occurs only for some period when carbohydrate or fat is not available as during starvation.
5. Toxic products like ammonia are produced.
6. It kills the cells ultimately.