The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus of Humans.
Difference # Diabetes Mellitus:
1. It is due to deficiency of insulin.
2. It is, thus a pancreatic disorder because insulin is secreted in the pancreas.
3. The blood sugar becomes high and glucose appears in urine.
4. There is high blood cholesterol and ketone body formation.
5. Its symptoms are excessive urine production, excessive thirst and excessive eating.
Difference # Diabetes Insipidus:
1. It is due to deficiency of ADH.
2. It is, thus a hypothalamic disorder because ADH is secreted in the hypothalamus.
3. The blood glucose is normal and glucose does not appear in urine.
4. There is no such phenomenon.
5. Its symptoms are excretion of large amounts of urine, thirst and dehydration.