The upcoming discussion will update you about the comparison of different types of RNA.
m – RNA:
1. Percentage of Cell is 5%
2. Molecular Weight is 5,00,000
3. Origin from DNA of Chromosome
4. Nucleotides are 900-1200
5. Sedimentation coefficient is 8S
6. Structure containing the triplet codons
7. Synthesis in eukaryotes by RNA pol II
8. Function is to Carry codons for polypeptide synthesis
t – RNA:
1. Percentage of Cell is 15%
2. Molecular Weight is 25,000
3. Origin from DNA of Chromosome
4. Nucleotides are 75-95
5. Sedimentation coefficient is 4S
6. Structure containing the single stranded that fold into a functional L-Shaped structure
7. Synthesis in eukaryotes by RNA Pol III
8. Function is to Carry amino acid and anticodons
r – RNA:
1. Percentage of Cell is 80%
2. Molecular Weight is 40,000 – 1, 00, 000
3. Origin from Nucleolus DNA
4. Nucleotides are 1200-5500
5. Sedimentation coefficient is 5-8S, 16S, 18S, 25S, 28S
6. Structure containing the single stranded, Coiled at some places to appear double stranded
7. Synthesis in eukaryotes by Pol I
8. Function is to synthesize peptide bond, binds mRNA and ribosomes.