In this article we will discuss about the tests for estimation of peroxidase in plants.
The enzyme peroxidase catalyses the oxidation of substrate by oxygen generated from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide:
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2
Substrate + O2 → Oxidized substrate.
(a) Reagents:
1. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) — 0.2%
2. Catechol soln. — 0.5%
(b) Glass-wares:
1. Test tubes, Pipette, Mortar and Pestle, Measuring Cylinder, Linen cloth, Balance with weight box etc.
(c) Preparation of enzyme extract:
Fresh seedlings of rice are taken and the endosperms are removed from the seedlings. Then 5 gm. of plant material is weighed and crushed in a mortar with the help of a pestle. Then an extract of about 50 ml is prepared and strained through a linen cloth and final volume is made up to 50 ml my addition of dist. water.
Test Procedure:
1. The reaction mixture is made in the following manner. In each tube 1 ml of catechol and 1 ml of H2O2 soln. are taken. Then 1 ml of enzyme extract is added to it.
2. Finally, the mixture is shaken gently and allowed to stand for 1-5 minutes to develop colour.
3. The intensity of colour formed in each reaction mixture at varied duration is recorded optically by denoting ‘+’ sign.
4. Each set is replicated at least thrice for getting better results.