Agriculture Sector:
1. Encourage sprinkler or drip irrigation method to save water in suitable quantity.
2. Grow such crops that require less water. Its knowledge should reach cultivators in the field. His can be done by units of agriculture department including agriculture extension officers and village assistants etc.
They can organize demonstrations etc. for publicizing use of suitable quantity of chemical fertilizers for agriculture production and for adopting suitable but economical methods of irrigation.
3. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in suitable quantities so that pure groundwater is saved from pollution.
4. Encourage installation of water pumps operated by solar energy and wind energy for groundwater exploitation.
5. Motivate cooperative irrigation so as to save water and electricity.
Industrial Sector:
1. It is necessary for all industries to recycle 80 per cent of used water for re-use.
2. It should be compulsory for all industries to install joint pollution control equipment at a suitable place for effective prevention of groundwater pollution.
Domestic Sector:
1. Water disposed after domestic use should be utilized for gardens etc.
2. Prevent uselessly flowing water from taps.
3. Use small size vessels for cooking and use water in reasonable quantity. Keep cooking vessels closed while cooking so as to save water loss by evaporation.
4. Impose control on cutting of trees and shrubs for cooking purposes so that average annual rainfall can increase and simultaneously soil conservation can also be done.
5. Make arrangement for rain water conservation in every house so that pressure is reduced for water used for domestic purposes.
6. Unnecessary flowing of water from public taps be should prevented.
7. Water should not be wasted through showers in houses and hotels.
8. In domestic uses like bathing, washing clothes etc. water should not flow on surface of nearby wells.
9. Organized sewerage system should be developed so that pollution caused by it can be prevented.
10. Prevent groundwater from pollution by suitable disposal of domestic waste.
Other Areas:
1. Renovation of traditional water sources like tanks, baoris, wells, tankas etc. Desilting of tanks would not only increase storage of rain water but also increase groundwater recharge.
2. Take effective steps for minimizing rate of evaporation from tanks etc. containing surface water.
3. Public Health Engineering Department and other organizations should manage to prevent leakage from water supply schemes and pipelines with immediate effect.
4. Selection of suitable sites for groundwater sources.
5. Encourage hand pump construction. More water is wasted by piped water supply.
6. Implement compulsory registration of tube-wells owned by boring machine and tube-well contractors or private persons with Central Ground Water Department.
7. Make prior permission of Central Ground Water Department compulsory for construction of wells/tube-well etc. in future.
8. Make every citizen aware about different methods of water conservation and their advantages. Various government and semi-government departments, non-government organizations (NGOs), voluntary agencies, environmentalists etc., should organize it as a people’s campaign.
Entrust responsibility to panchayats and other cooperative organizations for different works of groundwater management. Get public cooperation for implementation of surface water and groundwater development plans and repair works. Generate awareness about water conservation measures specially among women.