Read this article to learn about the relationship between Communication, Diffusion, and Adoption.
1. ‘Communication is derived from Latin word ‘communis’ meaning ‘common’.
2. “Communication is the interchange of ideas between two persons, in such a way that they act on the existing knowledge to achieve some useful results. The transfer of message through suitable medium performs the communication.”
3. It means to establish commonness between sender and receiver of message is termed as communication.
4. Communication means sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of mutuality. It is a two way or Double way Process.
Models of Communication:
1. Shannon & Weaver Model (1949):
Source→ Transmitter →Signal→ Receiver →Destination
2. Lasswell Model (1948):
Who say →what say →Channel→ To who concern→ under what circumstances →with what effect
3. Berlo Model (1960):
Source →Encoder→ Message→ Signal →Decoder →Receiver
4. Schramm, W. Model (1961):
Communication source → Encoder→ Signal → Decoder → Destination
5. Fano Model (1963):
Source → Source encoder → Channel encoder →Channel→ Source decoder →User
6. Leagans Model (1963):
Communicator →Message →Channel→ Treatment →Audience→ Audience response
7. Letterer Model (1965):
Sender→ Channel→ Receiver → Noise
8. Rogers and Shoemaker Model (1971):
Source → Message → Channel→ Receiver →Effect
9. Hertley ebrenel Model:
Communicator→ Communication→ Content→ Effect→ Intent
10. Aristotle Model:
Speaker→ Speech→ Audience
“Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels overtime among the members of a social system.”
Elements of Diffusion Process:
(a) Innovation
(b) Communication Channels
(c) Time
(d) Social System
“Adoption is an Individual matter or phenomenon or behavioural socio- economical phenomenon or mental process.”
Elements of Adoption Process:
(a) Innovation
(b) Diffusion
(c) Motivation
(d) Adoption
Stages of Adoption:
1. Awareness stage:
Individuals know of the new idea but lacks information, which need to be provided.
2. Interest stage:
Individual becomes interested in the new idea and seeks more information.
3. Evaluation stage:
Individual evaluates the idea with information, and plans future course of action.
4. Trial stage:
Individual uses the new idea on a small scale into to determine its utility in his own situations.
5. Adoption stage:
Individual uses new ideas continuously on a full scale.
Categories of Adopters:
1. Innovators:
Such people are called innovators who adopt immediately after getting knowledge. In India Innovators constitutes only 2.5% of the total population.
2. Early adopters:
Such people adopt through local leaders and constitute only 13.5% of the total population.
3. Early majority:
Such people adopt just before adopting the common people and not through the local leaders and constitute 34% of the total population.
4. Late Majority:
Such people adopt after seeing their relatives and neighbours and constitute 34% of the total population.
5. Laggards:
Such people adopt in the last and constitute only 16% of the total Indian population.